Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-05 18:06:46 SPACE FLIGHT_(1) Norton X, et al. Improvements in formatting are in process. Hope for you to see the improvements, soon.
2016-05-05 21:44:59 CHINA DOLL_(2) TO DIVINE COMEDY001: Thank you for your comments and interest. I just write these stories right out of my heart and mind. I have some education, but am not an expert in any field, especially Far Eastern practices. This story was just made up in its entirety, and I am glad that you found some enjoyment in it. :-)
2016-05-05 23:17:23 PROM SURPRISE_(0) Thank You for your interest. This short story was culled from my novel, which was the first substantive writing that I have done. The characters tend to be much more open and aggressive in their discussions about sex than people usually are in real life. I used the conversations to advance the plot. Hence, purposeful conversation is not like how people really communicate. I tried to blend both modes, but obviously with mixed results.
2016-05-06 00:08:05 AT THE MOVIES_(0) Interesting Point-Anonymous. I haven't gotten the knack of florid exposition of sex scenes. Some of the people here are remarkable and a few are transcendent in their descriptions. I have experienced mind blowing sex, I just am restrained in writing about it. Perhaps,I need a second seat writer to help me with those scenes. hahaha Thank you fo ryour interest. :-)
2016-05-06 00:12:31 AT THE MOVIES_(0) This story seems to have disappeared from the front page listing. I wonder what that is about? Have I violated some rule here?