Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-06 15:23:47 SPACE FLIGHT_(2) This is a reposting of this story with a better format. The original had an 70% approoval rating. (14/6)
2017-05-29 04:30:46 MILE HIGH CLUB 2 I will, definitely keep that in mind.
2016-05-06 15:27:33 THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR_(3) Thank You Gina, for your interest and encouragement.
2016-05-06 17:28:47 THE LADY BOSS_(0) Anonymous reader (on short story form): I grew up reading the wonderful sci fi shortieries avialable then. They have inspired me in so many ways. I especially enjoy the ones that I have written with O.Henry (or Harlan Coben( type endings.) Satisfies some kind of twisted part of my brain and heart.
2016-05-06 17:31:07 THE LADY BOSS_(0) Anonymous reader (with previously prudish wife): Thank you for the positive feedback. And I am glad to be of some small service to you. Please continue to enjoy your lives with a strong and satisfying erotic touch. You two will be happy for a long time if you do!