Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-07 18:47:34 WHAT IF #4 I bet you do!!!
2017-05-30 14:27:35 LEGACY REPOSTING # 6 Love your handle!!! Yes, that was part of my intention in writing it.
2016-05-07 15:37:49 PROM SURPRISE_(2) TO Lucky Mann-Very perceptive. In conversation driven stories, the story is in the words spoken, so in my stories the persons speak a lot more open about things than we tend to do in real life.
2016-05-07 15:40:47 PROM SURPRISE_(2) TO: anon reader- perceptive of you to give your daughter a little room in her life for discovery. And the age limit is evidently for legal reasons, but disqualifies about half of my stories. The ages inherent in the stories are not easily adjusted, because they are relevant to the stories.
2016-12-08 00:42:18 Raping Roz Doyle Kind hearted rapist? I can live with that.