Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-06 18:48:53 AMERICAN CZAR_(1) Check under my handle. I have 17 stories on this site. I have some more to post over the next few months. All of my stories were written within a two year span starting over four years ago. I have not written any since. Don't know if I will. The muse has to strike me for me to be inspired.
2016-12-07 16:50:32 WHAT IF #4 I am in my seventies and my member performance has issues sometimes. But, I have found that it doesn't hamper oral fun at all. And I love to go down on a woman. So, it is all good after all. Somewhere I got the inference that you live on the East coast., Too bad, maybe we could have gotten together and practiced on each other. :-)

Even after a lot of editing on this story, I have found a number of typos. I just have to get in the habit of having another trustworthy person look them over before posting them here.
2016-05-06 18:55:09 SPACE FLIGHT_(2) Thank you for your interest. I had a hard time beginning to read and sci fi was the first genre that captivated me leading to a lifelong active fascination. First book that I read on my own by my own choice was "THE CAT WHO WENT TO OUTERSPACE." or something like that. Left on my bucket list is sex with an asian. And i love anal, big butt or not.
2016-05-06 20:40:36 The Social Experiment_(5) Thank You for your interest: No the story just came out of my twisted mind. No inspiration for a sequel, yet.
2016-05-07 02:21:28 LITTLE GIRL'S PAYDAY_(2) I'm sorry you experienced that. Very Sad. But, I fail to see a connection to this story about a young lady who finances her life by visiting and sexually teasing an older man.