Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-01 03:16:12 AN OPEN LETTER TO GOD Nice to hear from you again Gina. This essay is me.
2016-10-30 14:49:34 Deployment_(1) A fine 'slice of life' story with a nod to our boys overseas.
2016-05-20 17:48:36 THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON 5 I was wondering about this. Is the fact that my story over two days got only one negative vote and then when it got up into the first page of the highest rated stories, all of a sudden got five more negative votes in the last two hours an indication of some kind of jealousy action or trolling voting? My self and my stories are not above criticism, but this seems very suspicious to me.
2018-04-10 13:06:17 NAKED LEGAL 2: The First Day Well done sir! That office doesn't have a place for an old cab driver as a transportation professional, does it? hehehehe
2018-04-26 13:25:52 THE STABLE BOY [Edited] That about uses up all that I know or can fake knowing of that time in English history.