Comments from James Dylan Dean
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-10-30 03:05:01 | Rite Of Passage | Stupendous!! |
2016-05-11 15:55:35 | THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON_(0) | TO: anonymous (More tales from the instant messenger chat log.) Not sure what your point is, so know not how to answer. But, in the day of these events, people communicated on the telephone or in person. I guess if the events had happened in our current day, that all of the newer means of communications would definitely be factored in. Perhaps quickening the pace of events. By only having the previous means of communication back then, including gossip, personal relations were somewhat slower in developing with better brakes on undesired channels. |
2016-05-12 04:32:08 | Clergyman Huntress_(0) | Original, inventive, seductive and sinister. Good job, sir! |
2016-05-12 06:47:32 | THE MANY LOVES OF JIMMY BENSON_(0) | Anonymous reader: Sequels under this same title will be coming out weekly. It tkes time to reformat them for this site. Other Anonymous reader: Sometimes a nondescript young man gets all of the pussy that his cohorts with for, thru no fault or credit to him. Sometimes if just falls into their lap. |
2016-05-12 23:53:10 | CASTING COUCH | Yes, that is it. Very astute of you to figure it out with the few clues. |