Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-05-28 06:01:26 THE MOWER GIRL Delina Rose: Thank you for your interest and helpful thoughts. In my writing I tend to focus on story lines over grandiose descriptions of intimacies. I have been admonished on that several times in my sojourn on this site. In that I bow to others on this site who are masters of that ability. I use conversation mode quite regularly and in the effort to advance the story admit that the ladies often speak much more openly about sex with the men in their lives in my stories than they would ever do so in real life. As to the reference to a cervix, I was not insinuating that the cervix was penetrated, though I understand that that could happen in extreme cases because it is blocked by a mucus plug, not tissue. In my description I was referring to the stretching of the end of the vagina to past the cervix entry port on the upper side of the vagina. Sorry, if I confused matters.
2016-06-27 02:25:45 THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH_(0) Wonderful story, sir. I choked up several times.
2016-11-25 23:43:47 MY COLLEGE COED LOVER Mr. (?) Okpamen, I am guessing that you voted negatively on my story. That is really okay, not everyone likes my take on things sexual. Thank you for not calling down evil on me in the process. :-) Perhaps you posted your real name (?) in reference to my call for the most vicious of my critics to post their handle or provide a link or name to one of their stories on this site. I am sorry if I was not clear enough about this. I desire no one to post their real name on this site for any reason. I only asked for the handles of those who have been extremely insulting. BTW it is not insulting to dislike my stories, only to be insulting to me in the process. Enjoy some of the other stories on this site, there are some great ones.
2016-11-25 16:06:46 VIOLET Thank you both for your encouraging thoughts.
2016-06-29 05:53:10 The Babysitter_(6) The giant within: Thank you for the vote of confidence. I write for myself and people like you. I have asked the administration to do something about the NVG (Negative Voting Goon) squad. At least block them from voting on my stories and possibly do something about their previous votes. They are not the only ones to vote negatively on my stories. After all they are not perfect and would not be appreciated by some. Their are honest differences on here. But the NVG squad automatically puts up 4 negative votes on each of my stories. This is not an honest assessment by them. They are evidently not even reading my stories. It is a form of persecution and should not be allowed here. I am not into retaliation, but would like to know who they are to ascertain why they think that they are so superior to me. In the meantime, some have been voting up my stories to balance out the jerks. The difference between a 75% rating and a 92% rating is about a 10X # of readers.