Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-06 19:56:31 AN OPEN LETTER TO GOD It can be frustrating, for sure!
2017-01-08 20:20:02 TAXI DRIVER 5 To interested readers--Stoires 2 and 4 are in edit stage to correct their titles to make them easier to find and 6 is posted to hopefully be published with 2 and 4 being republished this coming week.
2016-12-21 02:42:19 TAXI DRIVER 2_(0) Thank you for the suggestion. That was my intention from the beginning. THE RUNAWAY was written as a stand-a-lone story and the others were written as a serial series about my adventures told through Marcus. Because of Jazzmine, there was a connection, so I drew upon that when I gathered these stories together. There are many more to follow. I know that they will have a very limited acceptance here on this site, but I would like to get them out for those who can connect with them and the others that might find some enjoyment in them. I have no problem with the negativity of the others.
2016-11-14 15:57:04 THE BREAK UP_(0) I expect a rather low level of acceptance on this story, since its has no smut at all. I just felt that it covers a sad aspect on how a growing relationship that should lead to uber love making can die suddenly, with no understandable explanation at all.
2016-10-24 16:40:06 Incestuous Harem 2: Banging Mom Hard Terrific story so very well told!!!