Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-12-29 15:10:32 Love my Real Estate Agent Better job than usual. Congrats on the tech improvement. "Winter Fixer-upper" is a beautiful.mature romance witt h a cute twist added.. Story line & intimate details outstanding as usual. THANKS for sharing! AWESOME!
2019-12-30 17:51:22 Hiking for Love Mature Gina, Love Ur comments. Story exceptional & tenderly loving. The way life should be (Agree with other comments).... A few paragraphs were difficult to read because of length & small screen. Am re-reading Ur list & loving it.
2020-01-02 01:17:26 Who Says you can’t go Home To me, it was a given, Clay & Kelley, Billy & Dani, or course Mike & Sara, Jeff & Jen; they they all swap around Dani with Dad Jeff & Kelly with Bro Billy, Clay with Mom Sara & Mike left for Jen to enjoy (The only two not related). It was long but super HOT! I agree to a part 4 with the other swing couple that swaps, joins in the fun & everyone has a chance to fuck with everybody else. with a 10 way swap meet.; that means 5 fucks each. Tough Job to enjoy
Your tech abilities have improved. The story line, fucking & sucking details are AWESOME! Easy to follow. Also think Ginny & her boyfriend should round out the group in part 4. Am reading the whole list again to include anything I missed & enjoy those I have read a 2nd time or 3rd in some cases).
2020-01-05 18:46:59 Good Neighbor 5 3 years, no part 6, would really like to see Mo & John hook up, then do Jackie while Mo & Luke show them how it's done. Of course, if Mo & Jackie do a 69 that may be all it takes to get John out of his work funk mood to fuck both Mo & Jackie, especially with Luke's urging & encouragement. That's the thing with fiction, anything the author thinks of can happen; the more realistic, the better.
Tim Fox, I love your scenarios & intimate details.
2020-01-06 00:51:26 Two Lost Souls 3 2 years,no pt 4. Looks like some authors just can't finish a series Disapointing too the avid readers.