Comments from SilverSwan

Date Story title Comment
2019-11-28 06:51:26 A Game of Basketball Pt. 8 This cannot be the end. There's no resolution to the dream sequence which was obviously vital to the story. You are too skilled a writer to leave us all hanging. Come on, Mighty Raptor, finish the story please!
2019-12-03 05:11:55 Estranged Sister Eve This is such a great story that I have enjoyed several times. Characters that seem so real with true emotions. The sex is HOT and makes me feel delightfully salacious. Thanks for another great read.
2019-12-06 04:00:46 Obedient Wife Paragraphs are way too long!
2019-12-11 03:11:35 Mistress Cain I know that age restrictions here must be irksome but realism is vital; no one aged 18-20+ is still in this kind of boarding school. Otherwise, it's a good read.
2019-12-11 03:19:52 Bateman and Son Photography III Where's part 2?