Comments from klaxx

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-12 20:24:53 My Best Friend and I_(1) If you wanna do the random letter shit, use SPACES too!
2011-03-12 20:44:40 My little sister_(1) Fitted for the Pill, huh? Love the creativity with the names, too. Whatever happened to, um, Em the Third? Can't really see Em Jr living in the dorms with a kid.

To whoever wrote about their parting: Yeah, most sexual relationships end at some point - but that doesn't mean I wanna read about them.
2011-03-12 22:14:14 Well, I AM into incest stories, and this one was magnificent! My only complaint is that there wasn't nearly enough of it.

Added to my short list of favorites.
2011-05-05 00:30:10 The Siblings Magnificent! Added to short list of favorites. I am gonna get soooo drawn in to this story.
2011-05-05 00:55:32 THE SIBLINGS chapter 2, Opening moves Wonderful yet again, but the seeds of disaster appear to be sewn. When this train crashes, I'm gonna be hurtin' BAD.