Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2017-02-28 20:45:22 Potential Part 16 You are way off, Trucker1269. Style is a guy who wants to be a woman or a guy who is more woman that guy.
I have to go and give every story above mine a negative vote so I'll be on page one. Oh, wait, I don't do that, the trolls do that.
2017-03-01 05:09:05 Potential Part 16 Thanks Nastyfellow. I'd think it odd for someone to open a story tagged with transgender and not like Ms. Style as a character. Evan that, though, would be fine, if they said so. If you're going to go to the trouble of opening a story, going all the way to the bottom, and clicking the thumbs down, at least say why,
I'm not only trying to entertain, but I want to grow as an author. Tell me if you don't like the chapter, the whole story or find too many errors or whatever.
2017-05-05 11:48:44 Potential Part 17 Well, well, just under three weeks to post. Not bad. Okay, most of you have already read this on Nifty or Wolfpub. What do you think? The last chapter collected more thumbs down than the others, but nobody really said why. Remember, I'm figuring this writing thing out as I go, so I'm always interested in hearing your comments, good or bad. Thank you for continuing to put up with my shortcomings.
2017-05-12 03:05:42 Potential Part 17 Thanks guys. I agree, and if I had it my way, I'd put a chapter a week up on Nifty and Wolfpub. Unfortunately, I write slow and life gets in my way. Sorry. I'm plugging away every chance I get, trying to keep the standard high. I'd hate to come all this way and have the story go down hill because I'm rushing.
I hope I don't lose too many people who get tired of waiting.
2017-05-17 03:15:13 Potential Part 17 Anybody ready for a new chapter? Two major details will be revealed in chapter 18. Things are heating up as the story draws towards the end.
I guess tomorrow I'll post it on wolfpub and mail it to Nifty. I really hope to hear from you after you read it.