Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2018-01-08 16:52:45 Potential Part 22 Okay. I guess I'm going to have to convert it to a text file myself and post it. I hope it doesn't get rejected. The next chapter, as written, will because of Candy's flashbacks.
I'll try and get it done today. If you can't wait, look on nifty or wolfpub.
2018-01-09 03:45:00 Potential Part 22 Nastyfellow, I just sent you a message asking if you were still going to create that text file. No, I didn't get it. I got your last message with the panty thing.
2018-01-09 17:14:19 Potential Part 23 Thank you, Zaidi. Well said. I just hate making people wait like each chapter is the end of a Game of Thrones season. No, I've never watched it, but I know lots like it.
2018-01-11 14:23:14 Potential Part 23 The formatting on this chapter came out different. How much of an issue is that for everybody? If it's a huge problem I can always repost it at some point.
2018-01-18 15:50:30 Potential Part 23 No, it was the short lines. Nastyfellow volunteered to create the text file for this site and the lines have a CR. Glad it's not a problem. I sure did appreciate him handling that for me.
I never get to read a chapter except when working on it or proofreading, but this one I got to read to someone over the phone. I think this one had it all. I laughed and wanted to cry, which surprised me because I wrote it.
I bet it this site didn't require commenters to register there would be more comments. I hope, considering how much of my time goes into this.