Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-21 11:46:22 Potential Part 24 Steveo379, damn you read fast. Did you read the stuff missing from this site? Chap 6 and I think some had to be modified.
You said: Honestly though, I am curious to see how or if you get Evan and those he loves away from his shitty father, as well as who winds up together at the end.
Yup, you'll find out all of that in the end. Might even find out what happens with Darlene and her mother.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
2018-05-22 13:27:10 Potential Part 24 Great comments guys. That has been missing lately and it goes a long way toward motivation.
Mathematician, jeez, I thought you gave up on me because I'm so slow. I missed your insightful comments. Yours and few others have made the story better because I'm not a good story planner, and you challenge me. If Potential were written from beginning to end then posted it would be very different. The genius isn't intentional, but I knew everybody was waiting for the main event and at that point, the story should be wrapping up. That was why I kept pulling Evan off them, so to speak because there is too much more story that has to happen. Now I have a greater challenge to keep it interesting while tying all the pieces together. Please, keep helping me. I've been writing over my head since chapter five.
2018-05-23 00:46:19 Potential Part 24 Countz, I put everything unedited on Nifty and Wolfpub. So, if you missed chapter 6 you can find it there.
2018-06-14 23:41:47 Potential Part 24 BigRoMans,
Thanks for your insightful comments. I was starting to think nobody was still reading it here. I get discouraged when day after day there aren't any comments.
I understand how you feel, ruff, ruff, but other people want more of that. Evan needed a friend, and Jason is a perfect balance and instigator. Next chapter is being proofread. Will show up on wolfpub first.
2018-06-20 13:00:23 Potential Part 25 Hello, I was wondering how anybody ever finds these chapters? I never need to look for my own stories, but I tried as if I was a random reader and it wasn't easy. As soon as it posted other authors give it a neg vote and votes from signed in member carry more weight, so this chapter was down several pages. So, I'm wondering, how did you get here? Chance or search?