Comments from Kenny1kenny

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-08 00:00:49 Hey Doc. A lot of the stuff in my stories doesn't exist. It might at some time in the future. Who knows. Right now I make it up to sound cool. That's why they call it fantasy. Thanks for the tid bit we all know anyway. For your information, it is impossible to vacuum something out from a tube which is inside the item we are vacuuming out. For that matter, you can't pick up a table no matter how light it is if you are sitting on it, unless it is fantasy.
2011-05-09 00:40:53 Oh, I almost forgot to mention. The prostate gland is not a "bundal" of nerves, nor is it located in the rectum. It is not a bundle of nerves either. I do so wish all the educated fuckers that insist on correcting everyone's stories would actually get a little education before opening their mouths. Maybe you should have your testicales removed, well maybe you'd prefer to call them testicles.
2011-05-29 20:24:53 Alice's Trip To The Doctor~ Hey girl,

Try hitting enter twice between paragraphs as you write your next story. The format for this site truncates your indentations and the first blank space leaving you with the jumbled mess you have now. It makes your stories hard to read.
2011-05-29 20:27:20 Alice's Trip To The Doctor~ Also, I agree with loveable guy. With a little work, this can be a fantastic story. I think you did great for your first story. I'm giving you a positive vote, so you'll have no excuse not to write part 2.
2011-07-21 11:48:05 You are absolutely correct. It is copied from me. If you will check your source, you will see it is so. Thanks for pointing it out to me.