Comments from Kenny1kenny

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-22 11:31:51 I am enjoying your story. I am presently starting Chapter Two. Just to let you know, while I see a lot of what I would call spelliing errors, I realize the British spellings for the same words are different. Taking that into account, I don't even know for sure which are correct and which aren't. What I am saying is it doesn't really matter as long as it is close enough to tell what you are saying without using an interpreter. We all make some mistakes anyway. Even in grammar. By the way. The part about being so excited about getting the job. Stretching out finding the phone in the middle of the night and all from the perspective of a fifteen year old is genius. Unless of course you are really fifteen. Enough said. Let me get back to your story.
2011-09-23 22:50:33 The question marks only show up when viewing your own stories in the view mode in the your stories section. Go to the authors list. View your stories there. I assure you, you will not see the question marks there.
2011-11-04 13:03:44 Great story. If the next is as good, I'll read them all.
2011-11-06 10:45:01 Wow. You write really well. I only hope I do as well at some point.
2011-11-08 11:35:07 Keep it up. This is a great story. It has a lot of twists and lots of things going on at the same time. I like that.