Comments from Kenny1kenny

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-30 03:51:19 Riding the Ponies I: Intro Lesson My first clue that the rider was a girl was when she found out what all the other girls thought of riding a horse.

My congratulations to the author for so convincingly potraying what I perceive as the emotions of a woman enjoying her first ride and her first relations with her dog.

I figure she was alluding to wishing she could lick the dogs nuts rather than her own. If the author treats us to an encore, she may very well do so. Of course I haven't looked yet to see if he already has.

Bravo dude on a job well done. Keep up the good work. I'll read the rest of them. You are a much better writer than I.
2011-12-02 14:29:08 I like the way you capture the young girl's emotions. I can feel her desire as well as her hesitation. Reading this lets me understand how young girls fall so quickly to the temptation to do it with older guys. Awesome story. You put me to shame. Thanks for sharing.
2012-01-05 01:11:40 Total Confusion P1 I enjpyed your story. I especially liked the title. Very original. I think you should keep writing. You can bet I'll read your other story as soon as I leave here. One thing. If you write more, shorten your paragraphs. It makes the story easier on the eyes.

Go with no more then about five lines. Also keep in mind this site truncates the indentations of your paragraphs. I have to hit the enter key twice on my word processor to get this site to show a separation in the paragraphs.

Keep up the good work.
2012-01-05 01:25:51 Dream Come True_(0) Hopefully you won't have writers block for too long. You are welcome to read my stories and take whatever ideas you like to expand on.

I most certainly won't mind. I like to see beginning writers broaden their horizons. As far as you being gay. Have fun and try not to catch something that will make you a little deader than you want to be in the near future.
2012-01-05 11:08:12 Genie Chronicles_(0) Really great story so far. Too bad you didn't write it. Wonder what gives with the ass hole and the I hate Indians bit? Oh, well. Welcome to the site. I noticed your stories when you blew past me on the author's list. Way to go girl.