Comments from Kenny1kenny
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-04-24 23:18:32 | Neighbor kids, part 1_(1) | Oh yeah. I read this one from when you posted it originally. I loved it then and I still do. Absolutely fantastic story. Keep em coming. |
2012-04-24 23:39:09 | Neighbor kids, part 2 | This story is getting hotter as it goes. You have a winner here. I wish I could write that well. Rock on. |
2012-04-25 00:00:36 | Neighbor kids, part 3 | What can I say? It does my heart good to find someone to give me a run for my money in the fucked up department. But, I bet I'll beat you. |
2012-05-15 02:04:34 | We Started As Friends | I really enjoyed this. It is so difficult to get a poem rated near 90%. I could never do better than about 78 with the one I posted. The one poem at better than 90 isn't a poem at all. It is even more difficult to get many reads. After finding this gem, I simply must read more of your poems. Keep up the great work. |
2012-05-15 16:53:18 | Getting A Raise (From The Boss's Wife) | I see folks complaining about you using less shall we say intrusive words in an old fashioned way. Some say there isn't enough sex and the story is too short. Bullshit. You wrote a fine story. I felt like I was getting to know the characters. The sex was just right, especially for two people who just met. A story doesn't have to be obscene to be sexy. It doesn't have to have somebody huffing and puffing and panting while they are coming continuously to be good. Heck, 90% of the folks who voted thought it was worth a positive vote. With a hundred stories already posted on the site, I don't need to tell you to keep doing your own thing. |