Comments from Kenny1kenny

Date Story title Comment
2012-08-18 21:54:37 I never thought...: Chapter Two, The Mystery Person Who could it be. What are you going to do with who ever it is. Great cliff hanger. I'll have to stay tuned for part three. You still rock girl.
2012-08-19 01:11:27 Mom Let Me Fuck You This is a great story. Hopefully all the boys get a taste of this. I'm heading back to read your other story. You rock girl.
2012-08-21 10:07:01 ON ROYAL PALM ESATE Part One: Happenings between a man and a woman Whoa. Cool story. I like this one even better than the first two. Trouble is you haven't finished it yet. Does Babette teach Renee some of the taboo things Renee is thinking about, or does Renee find out about some of them with her horse first.

Write a sequel so we will know how it turns out. This story has potential for a lot of parts. Keep up the excellent work.
2012-09-19 17:55:59 A short, boredom caused story I see you haven't lost the touch. I love your stories. Keep em coming girl.
2012-10-22 04:18:06 My Sister In Law Beth_(1) Magnificent story. I really enjoyed it. I can hardly wait to read the rest.