Comments from Kenny1kenny

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-25 16:36:17 Summer Camp Part 2 I don't understand these saintly folks that are offended by stories about children. It's not like there are any actually in a fictional story the way they are in photographs. Besides, last time I checked, headings like boy, boy/boy, and young were dead give aways that the story is pedophile in nature. Why are these smart as "brick" people still reading them? To the fella that says we should only read adult stories. Where's your contact information Mister Anonymous?
2011-07-25 16:39:36 Summer Camp Part 2 To Jackin83. This story is much much better than Part One. I loved this one. I guess the first part was a build up to the story. Next time, try putting the build up in with the exciting part all as one story. Great story. Thanks for sharing.
2011-07-25 22:01:25 I know you will probably never see this comment as after being confused you aren't likely to return to this story. For the benefit of the other readers, this is a twelve part story. There is no recap at the beginning of any part explaining what has already taken place. The reader merely has to read from Part One and then will understand what is going on in Part Two and so on and so on. That is if the reader is not a moron as I am sure none of you are. Thanks for reading my story. I am sorry you did not enjoy it.
2011-08-12 01:18:41 I love it when the English teachers leave class to profread the smut we write here. At least this one spelled everything correctly. I am not sure why he felt the need to hyphen well educated. Then again the guy you get could be educated rather than well educated. Alas, enough about the professor. I enjoyed the story immensely. Keep writing.
2011-08-12 01:22:09 Wow. I read both your stories. A fine job writing. Keep up the good work. I don't get these kinds of ratings. You are a much better writer than I am. Thanks for sharing.