Comments from ssalo
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-03-02 14:49:53 | Charity Starts At Home : Chapter 4 : Learning the Basics | That last comment mine, it wasn't meant to be anonymous, I didn't realize I'd timed out. ssalo |
2011-03-03 10:07:49 | Last Chance....Chapter 1 | I plan on posting Chapter 2 soon. Thank you for the comments, they mean a lot to me. ssalo |
2011-03-04 00:54:48 | Last Chance....Chapter 2 | I'll try to get Chapter 3 posted soon. ssalo |
2011-03-04 15:15:36 | Disaster at Antonio's | Anonymous 3-2: Thanks for explaining what you didn't like about this story, not many people are willing to go to the trouble to do more than say, "This story sucks." I totally agree about the screwed up formatting. Without the paragraph seperators, it seemed even worse, I thought it was nearly impossible to keep track fo the points of view while reading. I think I should have just switched points of view a lot less often. I'm not sure why you think word count should matter. I agree regarding the resemblance to a children's book, I only posted it thinking some people might think it was funny. It definitely doesn't fit with the theme of this site. To sum up my feelings about this story, the biggest lesson I learned is not to post a story I'm not happy with. I just hope I remember the lesson in the future. Thanks again for the helpful criticism, I appreciate it. |
2011-03-04 19:46:17 | Disaster at Antonio's | Thanks Debbie, that would have been much better. The next time I try to write a multiple POV story, I'll take your advice. |