Comments from ssalo

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-10 15:01:33 tears_(0) I just lost what was my last comment: "YOUR COMMENT CONTAINS BAD WORDS" I never thought that would be a problem here. lol

Always be straight with your doc, if they don't know exactly what's going on, they can't help. If your doc doesn't trust you, you need a new doc. Always take notes to and during your appointments. PM me if there's any chance I can help.

For all the readers that are worse off than I am, I hope you get better or your suffering ends soon.

2011-03-10 15:07:24 tears_(0) PS- Use a pill dispenser, an alarm watch, and an alarm phone. Take care of your health every way you can, a lot of different things can make seizures happen more often and be worse. I hope I'm done now. I'm sure you do to.

Good luck;
2011-03-11 01:06:44 Disaster at Antonio's Thanks everyone.
WGF- That's exactly the problem I had on the forum and overcorrected for here.
OHT- Thanks for the support, it's always appreciated but I thought even the least tactful had something to say worth thinking about.
Cija-The story evolved like a shack turning into a mansion, my biggest regret was not making the POV changes read clearly. The choppiness was partly intentional and partly the best I could do. I just assumed most people's thoughts were choppy like mine. lol
horny-I think maintaining a rotation through the characters is a good idea and ID'ing each POV change would probabily been the biggest improvement. I think I tried for too much when I tried to make the seperate thoughts read like dialogue in the first part. I think I should have only changed POV's a couple of times there. Don't know about continuing. Don't much want the the stroker's votes. I'll try to write the sex if I can't avoid it. All of your comments are my big thing, thank you again.
2011-03-11 01:18:39 Last Chance....Chapter 4 grig- You're right, I like reading the love stories with sex in them but writing a decent sex scene may be beyond me.
2011-03-11 01:26:23 Last Chance....Chapter 4 Anon 01:11:41- That's an amazing story. You might consider expanding it a little and posting it. It's a 10 for me right now.