Comments from ssalo

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-11 02:59:07 Last Chance....Chapter 3 Thank you for letting me know my story meant something to you. That was my biggest hope and it means a lot to me.
2011-03-11 03:11:32 Last Chance....Chapter 2 AR 18:45:46-
I'm surprised more people haven't made similiar comments, Thank you for telling me what you didn't like.

The kind words are very much appreciated, thank you all for taking the time to leave a comment.
2011-03-11 03:16:43 Last Chance....Chapter 1 Thank you both. SSB, you're one of my favorite authors, thanks for writing so many exellent stories.
2011-03-11 23:17:37 tears_(0) AR 18:55:56- Sounds good, I look forward to trying to be a help.
2011-03-12 00:24:20 Exellent love story but the sex seems like you tried too hard to be original in describing parts of it- carnal crevice is a good description but it made me stop reading the story for a second while I thought "Carnal crevice, that's different." Kind of like hesitating during sex when the dog barks, Better off not noticing the dog or the cool original way of saying vagina. Expert advice from a totally inexperienced sex scene writer, lol.