Comments from ssalo

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-10 13:19:12 tears_(0) It's obvious that you can understant what it's like to change your plans. I say plans and not dreams because I already had gotten part of the blueprints drawn up for a 53 foot motorsailor/ commercial fishing boat that I was going to buy the hull from Skookum Marine in Port Townsend, WA and finish myself during the thirty days off between thirty days on as a tug boat captain. I was still running motorlife boats in the Coast Guard and had qualified myself to take the test to get get my first mate's license. I had passed my E-5 service wide exam with a score of 99%, #one out of ~250. When I reported to Cape Disappointment (ironic name huh) motorlife boat station in July of 1977, I set a record by getting qualified to run the 44' MLB on search and rescue missions in six weeks. Very few others got qualified in less than six months. My career plan was to have the motor sailor finished by 1990 and raise a family while cruising the world and fishing when I wanted and/or needed to.
2011-03-10 13:43:09 tears_(0) When I had my first seizure, it was immediately obvious to me that I could no longer concentrate effectively, (low dose Dialantin.) At that time. the requirements for getting a tug boat officer's licence was siezure free off of medication for four years so it took a few years to comtletely losr hope. At that point, my goal in life became to live a "normal" life and not think of myself as disabled. I've been able to be relatively successful although not having a drivers license a lot of the time has been the the hardest part. I reccomend that you marry a woman with medical problems. The odds of her not leaving you will be much better. I morphed my wife from medical problems to a tragic sexual history and emotional problems for my Last Chance story. Make sure that you get your brain surgery testing done at a hospital that has a very good neuro dept. is a good place to look for advice on that I recommend phillis johnson as a person to talk to via the forum there.
2011-03-10 13:59:51 tears_(0) I know a little about performance anxiety, the right woman will understand and if you can treat her right, love her for real, and give her the orgasims (No dick needed) she needs, you will be fine regardless of how bad it is. Some AED's are worse than others. The anxiety is a bitch, logging worked wel when I was younger as it was extremely physical and it's easy to relax when you're exhausted. Oddly enought the danger doesn't cause me much stress, I think maybe because I'd rather be smashed by a log than die from cancer, I'm not really sure. It could just be that life often doesn't always seem all that precious. I know a wife tht needs you is a big help with sucidal urges. I know a little about post ictal. NEVER wait a few hours because it's not convient to take extra meds after a seizure. You'll find it hard to believe how many and long you'll get told your grand mals were. ALWAYS keep your spare/emergency meds with you. If you want to call me an idiot to my face PM me.
2011-03-10 14:16:15 tears_(0) I'm 54 years old but I still grunt and swear for a living and not many people consider me a wimp yet. We've got about a dozen trophy's on the wall that my wifw shot I can't, I'm too soft hearted) Every one of them was killed with one shot. She's a little frail and insecure so she answers the door with a 38 in one hand behind her back so the I reccomend that you pay your med. and life insurance first. I need to tell you that about one out of ten counselors and groups are helpful but they're also worth finding. Regarding your not finding my joke funny, I apologize for that, after 15 or twenty years brain surgery hasn't fixxed you or fucked you up worse, you may figure out that laughing about bad things is sometimes possible and much preferable to crying about them. I apologize again for not being more sensitive, if I was a little less doped up I might hav considered how it might upset an inexperienced epileptic. Posting my joke here was inexcusable as you just showed me.
2011-03-10 14:36:25 tears_(0) I really wish you'd have left you're comment while signed, I doubt if you'll be checking back and I think I could help you feel a little better. Where you are now is a much worse place than where I am now. If your brain surgery works out, I'd really like to share your victory. In the meantime, I'd really like to try to help you deal with some troubles that I have some experience with. Sorry about the lack of proofreading, this isn't the kind of thing that I'm willing to read if I don't have to and I'm pretty sure you can figure out most of it anyway. Or PM me. I can't telly you how much I want to someday find out that you're doing better. I'm crying now it thats a hint. the first years were the worst years, My first wife leaving didn't help. My second wife was my "Last Chance" Ii's still rocky but we'ver managed for 18 years now. Learn more than your doc knows about your case, make notes before and during appointment, fire docs until you find a smart one that you can trust.