Comments from JadeM

Date Story title Comment
2012-02-27 11:17:25 The Rush. pt. 3 I like the story so far. The ideas are good and I think you write well. May I please ask that you make it possible to send you PM messages? I was not able to reply when you contacted me by PM last night.
2012-02-27 11:29:08 The Rush pt. 4 Everyone makes mistakes when writing. It happens. Having them proof read can help, but I don't know any professional editors and people make mistakes. It is just the nature of things. Don't take the criticism to heart... or negative votes.. it can be very hard, and still makes me cringe sometimes.

Keep writing and keep working at improving. The premise for the story is good! You writing overall is good! Just keep at it and work at improving.

I have been tempted many times to comment that a person who slams like that Anonymously should try writing and open themselves up to the same scrutiny. However, you can't please everyone and the number of positive comments made by Anonymous Reader far out number the bad ones and people DO appreciate your hard work. Please do not be discouraged.
2012-02-27 11:35:27 The Rush pt. 5 It may have been a good idea to blend this and another chapter together. The idea is to make a longer story and allow the reader to get more immersed in the wonderful tale and world you are creating.

I one read someplace that long paragraphs containing conversation are harder to read as there is eye strain involved with a computer. Try separating them... it makes it easier for your reader. Some give up if they feel an irritation while reading it and may not even know what bothered them.

Just a suggestion. I think your ideas and writing have merit.

You asked me to comment on the writing for you. I hope this is helping.
2012-02-27 11:42:37 The Rush pt. 6 This was well done, love the plot. I cannot wait to read the next one.
2012-03-02 07:43:31 Different Love - Part III I enjoyed this very much. I do hope you find more inspiration to continue either writing this series, or embark on a new course. Thank you for taking the time to write and share!