Comments from 1MTNMN45

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-18 18:09:33 My Asian Treat Pt.6 I'm sorry, but I guess you guys will have to read the rest of them to find out what happens.
2011-08-20 20:09:19 My Asian Treat Pt.6 Ok guys, I was wrong with the year and not the month. It's the August 1982 issue of Playboy. Sorry for the fuck up.
2011-08-20 21:01:04 Here is a suggestion that you should take to the bank, use some kind of word processor that has grammer and spell checking before you try this again. Second suggestion, request the webmaster to remove this story, it's an embarassment.
2011-11-13 21:14:42 Slave for a Day Part 2 I bought one of those eggs for my wife. It's really interesting to see her reactions while in a store or the mall. We have a blast with it! 10/10
2012-01-27 19:57:43 Seducing My Stepfather - Part 2 Nice writing. Very descriptive from the female point of view. 10/10