Comments from 1MTNMN45

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-29 17:45:20 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt16_(0) Throughout my stories I have described the techniques Kayko uses to keep herself tight and talented. The descriptions are good because Kayko is sitting on me most of the time when I write. She will lean back against my desk and let me put my lap top on her belly. She likes the feeling of the key strokes through the machine and it lets her stay close to me while I write. So she tells me how to describe most things. Any woman who wants to learn these techniques is welcome to. Kayko will answer any questions if you will send a pm to my page. She will be more than glad to help.
2012-11-29 22:39:29 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt16_(0) Believe me when I say that I do love my daughter very much. This is just the beginings of what happened over this last summer. As of right now, my time is budgeted between Erin, Saki, and Kayko. Between the three of them I stay pretty much drained. It took a little bit to figure things out, and how to share me evenly with all of them. I don't want to give a spoiler to my story, but I will say this, only two of our bedroom are occupied now. As for my relationship with my daughter, top shelf. We still do father daughter things as well as a family group. Mark is still having Shiori daily, and everything seems well. Please continue reading the chapters. I know I am dragging this out a bit and I am sorry to everyone. So much happened I can't write it all. But the important things are there as well as some of the fun. Read what happens. It has been a real experience for me.
2013-02-19 23:13:52 Twin Japanese Nieces Update Thank you everyone. All of you are too kind with your remarks and well wishes. I do feel blessed in knowing that people out there can care about us. I really am at a loss for words. Your response is overwhelming to me and the girls, and I want you all to know that we really do appreciate it. Thanks.

Mike, Erin, and Saki (and yes, she is still my pet)
2013-03-28 06:28:51 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18_(0) I am sorry that I was not more clear about my intentions with this story. I am finishing the story through December of last year to fill everyone in on the events that happened over the summer. The twins story will conclude when I get to the point where I lost Kayko, Nark, and Shiori when they were coming home from christmas shopping at the mall. After which I will start the story of Kayko. Please understand how difficult it is for me. I miss my wife and kids very much and at times it hurts so badly that I can not think straight. But the "healing" process is an ongoing mission and I am doing my best. A lot of different things happened last summer so there is a lot to tell. I just hope you guys can see how tightly wrapped we were as the story is told. Thank you guys for reading. I never thought that a cronicle of my family and the events that took place would be so interesting.

2013-05-02 18:56:01 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt19_(0) To my anonymous down voter. I am sorry you think that way of me. I am not really concerned with where my posts wind up because this is a true account of me and my family. The only stories I have given a negative vote to are those which have poor literary style and are riddled with errors, making them almost unreadable. I also post some constructive criticism in an effort to help the writer improve their stories. If I wronged you, i'm sorry. No malice was intended. Good luck with your future endeavors.
