Comments from 1MTNMN45

Date Story title Comment
2012-03-25 17:40:58 My Asian Treat Pt.9 I am working on the next part. You guys just have to hang in there because I have been around the world 4 times in the last few months working. This is a true story and I will tell all of what happens to me and Kayko. I am also working on another story that happened a few years ago that will be just as entertaining.
2012-09-08 08:42:20 Saturdays With My Sister If this was your first post it's not bad. Nice story telling and good attention to the time and story line. Many storys on this site have issues with the story jumping from one situation to another without any continuity, and many times the writer will forget where they are in the story so someone who is sitting will sit down again, or they will be inside and suddenly they are outside. Write a sequal and check out my posting called "My Asian Treat". It's not fiction however our names have been changed. Keep up the good work.
2012-09-20 23:07:28 Bec & Sarah Get Revenge - CH1 Your writing style is a bit rough. Slow down a little. Think about the situations and stay on track. Also look at the form of your text as it appears on this site. Do a little editing and proof reading before submitting it, it will greatly improve your overall delivery. Not a bad story, it just needs a little TLC before publishing. Try it again, I will read the next one. 7/10
2012-09-27 17:21:28 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt2_(1) Thank you to the person who made the last comment. You are correct in your assumption as to why comments have been turned off.
2012-10-14 22:06:38 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt8 For the last person who posted. I do not speak Japanese because I have not spent as much time with my wife as my kids have. IF you had read my other stories you would know that I travel all the time. It is an accepted situation by my wife, and at times it is difficult. But Kayko wanted our kids to speak her native language so she taught them as they grew up. Answer your question?