Comments from 1MTNMN45

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-18 18:25:36 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt9 Thank you whoever you are. I appreciate you speaking up. But that guy has been trash talking my writing and giving me bad votes since I started this series. It's no big deal. I will just turn off comments and voting on my remaining chapters. For those of you who want to send me a pm, log in and make your comments there. I am thankful for all of your support.
2012-10-20 18:20:33 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt9 Thank all of you for the nice comments, especially the last one. It does get just a little discouraging for me to hear bad stuff about my family even though it is irregular compaired to traditional american families. But as I posted before, there is quite a mix of cultures in my household. And you are right, you can't please everyone. I will continue to allow posts for those of you who enjoy my stories. I will try to keep them interesting and not bore you with unnecessary details. I thank you all again.
2012-10-30 21:19:53 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6_(0) Dude, you don't know the half of it yet. If I actually wrote everything that Kayko has taught the girls this story would wind up being 100 chapters long. She has been exceptionally thorough in teaching them these ancient pleasure techniques.
2012-11-18 07:06:42 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt14_(0) For the person who made the last comment, here are a few answers. Understand that sex is viewed completely differently in the far east. The Protestants and the Roman Catholic church placed a stigma or taboo lable on it and said it was a sin to enjoy such activities. The orient, which practices Buddism, Shintoism, and a variety of others Have a different view. Sex is viewed as not only a natural bodily function, but also an alignment of the body and soul as well as the energy centers of the body. (This also depends on the spiritual philosophy followed.) As for the incestual sex, On many occastions the mothers will have sex with their boys. This is to teach them and make them better suited for manhood. It's difficult to find on the web because it usually is not spoken of. As for the girls. That is a different subject all together. Until reciently, the women were treated more like second class people. Fathers gave them as gifts many times. Sex usually startes early too.
2012-11-19 21:50:11 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt15_(0) I am sorry for the punctuation error. There is something wrong with the document. It showed up on the repost as well. I will fix that in the next chapter.