2016-04-15 07:32:21 |
An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 06
hello auguy 86,,brilliant story so far, just a thought , have you ever considered moving to storiesonline? I think that your work would be REALLY appreciated on that site, I am not a writer, but I am a prolific reader, a lot of writers have left this site because of the stupidity from the B,O. DIRECTORS OF THIS SITE and switched over to S,O,L, BEST WISHES FROM DJB8247..... |
2016-04-23 23:50:12 |
Body of a Man, Mind of Machine - Chapter Two_(1)
SAGE, you are a very good writer, BUT, in this rewrite there are so many grammitical errors that it reads as if a TEN year old wrote it. please take more care with your writing, that said, it is still a reasonable story.. |
2016-05-09 22:40:37 |
Summer Vacation part 4
As far as I am concerned, too much sex and no real story, makes for very boring reading.. |
2016-05-26 19:19:14 |
Body of a Man, Mind of Machine - Chapter Ten
I think that you are trying too hard to get this written before a certain time, Please rest a bit before rushing on with your rewrite of this story, Making a lot of mistakes that are spoiling your work... |
2016-06-08 19:13:15 |
this is a load of crap, does not make any sense at all.. |