Comments from animal99
Date | Story title | Comment |
2013-04-19 15:54:25 | My week with Mandy by funguy | wow...that was a long story... i made it barely to the halway point and didn't even get to the parts people are commenting on. That first half was pretty good... now i wonder if i'll bother to finish reasding it. you should break it up into smaller sections. And Please follow the sites labelling conventions so we can skip any sections we don't find apprpriate! |
2013-04-20 02:00:52 | Finding my way back home, Parts 1 and 2 of 6 | This is an Excellent story, for a change. I read it and almost as soon as the third sentence I realized this wasn't your typical hormone-driven-sex-fantasy story as I usually find on this site. This story is So well written, I imagined you were a professional writer, or a novelist writing under a nome-de-plume (a secret identity) for writers). I am So looking forward to future instalments of your story! |
2013-04-23 23:56:07 | Finding my way back home, Parts 5 and6 of 6 | I wrote this before and I stand by this- You should bring these stories to a book publisher - you're an excellent writer. |
2013-04-25 14:05:39 | Uncle Dave _(1) | As an avid reader, I can tell that authors sometimes change their names when they post stories when they change posting sites, and sometimes when the author gets older and more well known, or sometimes they change their name just because they didn't like their old names... and want a knew one! |
2013-04-25 14:50:23 | Brother and Sister Get Wasted | This story started out well... but your ending was too rushed. I recommend you rewrite it and erase this old version... I know your capable of better writing than this! |