Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-14 22:56:37 Deep Sleeper Ch. 02 good story... would like to see her further her playtime explorations :)
2013-04-15 12:47:12 Milk of Desire, Book II : Chapter 6 : Mom's home! Wow... excellent Series. I came across one then read another..before I knew it I'd read them all at one session! All your story "chapters" read SO smoothly, I didn't even notice any misspellings or grammar mistakes unlike other less polished writers on this site! Will there be more BOOKS and chapters? With your style of writing and imagination, I can't believe I'll tire of reading these stories any time soon - and THAT's a BIG compliment :)
2013-04-17 11:39:34 Naked daughter This was an Excellent and well written story.... and yet, it got me hot :) I hope to run into more of your stories!
2013-04-18 23:46:22 excellent story! can't wait to read part (chapter?) 2!
2013-04-19 15:19:01 Sister and Me_(1) This story could be So much better if you fixed as few items.... take your time with jumping from one event to another... you write as if you're in a big hurry to get to the end.

Delete this version... it doesn't show your talent in a good way. Rewrite this story, and take into account what i and others have pointed out. When you repost, add "(Editted)" or "(Corrected)†to the end of the subject and titles of this new story.