Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-07 16:48:31 Ana is well cummed in the family - I Good story but as the previous poster mentioned, This story needs a good proofreader.

Besides those previous mistakes there were a few where sentences didn't make sense due to other mistakes: "You can Ana can watch us if you want" - Where it should have been written as " You AND Ana can watch..." - As I said, needed more thorough proofreading, if there ever was any. Good story, though... Looking forward to new stories from you .. if you fix those mistakes BEFORE posting!
2016-12-07 16:52:55 Jim's anal slut second chapter_(0) It had promise of being a good story but your writing is a bit "mechanical":

"Jim told John to get on your knees and suck my cock."

"Jim told John, that's good."

Please consider proofreading.. out loud. The story doesn't "flow" when you write like that. Once you start reading it out loud to yourself, I hope you will understand what I am trying to tell you.
2016-12-07 16:56:06 what a surprise_(1) You story holds a lot of promise of being REALLY good.. but the text is SO closely packed together that it would put off many people from reading it.

You need to break up the story with more space between paragraphs.

I look forward to reading it when you've editted and rePost it.
2016-12-07 17:06:56 what a surprise_(1) Scratch that... I made my way through it and read it all. It was Good... but it hides a few wording and grammar mistakes (Needs more punctuation, at times).

Keep it up and remember to add more blank lines between paragraphs and proof-read it before finally posting it!

Good story... but it could have been better without those mistakes.
2016-12-08 21:59:18 The Mistress and her Doberman THAT was quite entertaining, for a beastiality story. And I only say that because I don't generally find beastiality stories that can stimulate me..but that BDSM flavor did it for me. Thanks :)

I hope to read more of your stories.