Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2018-01-16 22:34:40 Suggestible Excellent STory... I love that you kept it going even after the first guy had come. Too many stories end too quickly but not yours! Thanks again.
2018-01-20 17:05:41 Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise Krosis - I liked your story despite the similarities to your other stories. Look at how many people have read your stories compared to how many have written negative opinions - don't let one person's negative opinion keep you from writing more. Writing more stories will give you the experience you need to become a better writer. Practice makes for perfection in the art!
2018-05-05 05:43:45 I'm an Absolute Animal Sam, This was a Good story. The only thing I would have changed a bit was your sisters' reactions to you, during sex and the day after. If you were going for fantasy, then I would have suggested her character would succumb to your brutal thrusting by becoming a body quivering from the many orgasms you were giving her and I would have made her more flirtatious or grateful the next she liked what you did and wouldn't mind have more... Or She was So excited to see you and talked about how she felt Great and made you your favorite things to eat for breakfast! It's happened to me and it can happen to your character, as well - but as far as fantasy, Who wouldn't enjoy fantasizing about having royally fucked a woman and she loves you for it?
2019-02-05 22:50:49 Rachels little secret 01 DEEP SLEEPER? THANK YOU for Reposting it!!!! It was a favorite of mine and I can't find it anyone on the Internet! SO Glad it's BACK UP!
2020-01-27 20:58:59 Daddy's Girl_(0) Your story can't end here... IT needs a few more chapters. You need to tell me (us) how it went with her and her brothers! :)