Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2014-03-02 20:17:27 My baby sister Your story line was going fine until you decided to cram the ending in only a few words. The ending of a story is very important and needs to be finished correctly !! Good Luck !! (countrycadillac)
2014-02-07 20:31:41 The Jarl Girl of Morthal: A Skyrim Story You left me hanging, please hurry I must know what now comes of this beautiful writing. I do hope it is pleasant as the feelings they have enjoyed. Do please hurry with your feather pen and paper. (countrycadillac)
2014-02-27 20:20:18 victim of the bad girls club As usual someone has a negitive comment but is signed on as "Anonymous". Such cowards !! Fine story, well written with a good base. I'll be watching for additional chapters. Good Luck !! (countrycadillac)
2014-02-09 21:13:23 Lillian Bell 3: The Centre of Attention A very finely written story. Please continue this with additional chapters. Thanks !! (countrycadillac)
2014-08-14 20:40:21 Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2) Again, great story line and writing. Will be waiting for the next chapter (a long one). Thanks, Countrycadillac