Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2013-10-07 08:18:36 Kimberly's secret Very pleasent to read, well done but a little short. Please continue with more chapters. Thank you. (countrycadillac)
2013-10-07 09:25:27 My Teen Love Triangle Part 5 This is one of the most enjoyable, professionaly written love stories I have ever read. It was a pleasent change to have love take the lead over sex. I look forward to reading your next offering. Please be sure to copywrite this so someone else does not profit from your work. THANK YOU !! (countrycadillac)
2013-10-14 13:49:31 Breeding Mrs. Gray pt 2_(0) Another hot chapter. Keep going, I'm about to melt. See you in Chapter 3. Good luck !!! (countrycadillac)
2013-10-14 14:08:55 Family gathering_(0) A great story, so far ! Your next chapter COULD be a dilly, like the next years family get together, and a repeat of last years action. "O", such fun, a baby machine. Gool luck ! (countrycadillac)
2013-10-14 14:37:51 Behind Those Glasses_(0) UMMmmm?? " I stuck the tip of my dick in my mouth " ?? Good story but you really need to "Proof Read" your stories when your done. Decent writing, good luck on future stories. (countrycadillac)