Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2013-10-05 11:44:42 Adventures with Powers_(0) Very well done. You make a fine writer. I might suggest you copywright this as it could make a fine book. It was really clear & concise, a pleasure to read. Good Luck !! (countrycadillac)
2013-10-05 12:12:01 My Hot Niece Chapter Three Re-Write Guess I can't say anything !!!
2013-10-06 10:42:29 After Sex Ed class. "O" my God I'm on fire & then you just dumped me into a barrel of icewater !! Great story just way too short. Please hurry as I can't wait until the swimming hole and then the chapters about the rest of the girls at school when they hear about the new stud and they want thier turn. WOW, you have created the start of a new book. THANK YOU !! (countrycadillac)
2013-10-06 10:58:50 Pregnant after her first gangbang. Who give's a damn.!!! It was a wonderful baby girl and as such should be welcomed into the family for ever. Good story, how about some more ?? Thank you. (countrycadillac)
2013-10-06 14:35:03 My Teen Love Triangle Part 4 What ever you write from here on half of your readers will be torn to pieces and the other half will self explode. Go ahead and have at us since half have to go down in flames. ???UNLESS? he marries both of them!! LOL Have at it, were waiting !!! (countrycadillac)