Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2013-09-24 14:02:15 Grace in Disgrace 3 Great writing and fine form. We would love to join a club such as you describe, years ago we were part of one such club that was around O'Hare Field in Chicago. With over 500 members it offered a wonderful lifestyle. We very much miss the many friends we made there before moving West to the Iowa/Nebraska area. Keep up the fine stories. (countrycadillac)
2013-09-25 16:29:03 Other Men's Wives - His Sluts - Chapter 13 -15 I can't belive the writer of all these previous chapters is the same one that wrote this final (?) chapter. This chapter is without a doubt the poorest mess I have ever read. (countrycadillac)
2013-09-26 13:41:49 Accidental cheating... That is NO WAY to end a story !!! In the future, for your readers sake finish the story. You should never leave a reader hanging at the point you did.!! SHAME ON YOU !! Other than that and a few errors , not bad !! Keep writing. (countrycadillac)
2013-09-27 12:31:07 Mowing Mr Lewis_(1) I enjoyed your story and would like to suggest a few items. After you are finished writing slowly proof read your story for errors. Be more descriptive when you start your main point and make it the center of the tale. You have done well and more chapters are now due.. Thank you !! (countrycadillac)
2013-09-27 14:38:53 Dating? Great story, can't wait until more chapters are available. Thanks for a good read !! (countrycadillac)