Comments from Catmandue53

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-07 22:42:44 Charity Starts At Home: Chapter 3 : Gotta Hve Faith A fine story and a fine storyline.

The sex is good, not wrung out like some people write it.

Keep it up!
2015-08-11 03:46:40 Harry Potter NR.1_(2) Damn!

That was a hell of a story! My thoughts are the same as the Anonymous reader's: I was planning on wanking but ended up reading a great story.

I'm keen to read the rest of the chapters you've posted as well.

Well done mate!
2015-08-11 22:56:52 Harry Potter NR.3 Amazing mate, just bloody amazing !

Keep up the great work... I know we are all enjoying it .
2015-09-09 04:32:09 One in a Million Ch.6-7 .
Goodness me... I can hardly wait for the next chapter !!!
2015-09-09 04:52:42 My Pretty Little Slaves_(0) I stopped reading when I ran head first into that big wall of text.

Also.. 16" ?