Comments from Catmandue53

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-17 03:43:31 Calming Mit's Fear of Boys: Parts 1 to 4 Well, Lucky, it appears you've done it again...

This is not the first series you've written that I have thoroughly enjoyed. There are quite a few of them actually. I've been reading stories here for quite some time, and still haven't finished all the ones you've written.

I hope you continue to write fresh content for the site here, and know that when you do, I'll be reading them!

2016-10-31 01:12:56 Haunted by the Futa Ghost 1: Virgin Taken by the Futa Ghost A very interesting start for a story!

I didn't know you were up on Asian culture... a pleasant surprise!
2016-10-29 05:31:58 Boarding School Encounter 06: Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher I love this: "Pleasure boiled through my body. It reached my mind and cooked it."

That is some good word-smithing there!
2016-08-11 02:46:33 Divine Succession - Chapter 15 - END Catmandue53 to Anonymous - 2015-10-25 00:27:37

"Upload the next story, bitch."

I'm sure he'll upload it when he is good and ready to. Get off his back.
Catmandue53 to Anonymous - 2015-10-26 04:58:38

"Fuck off with that fufu lame shit. Post it, biatchhhh."

Why don't you post a story? I'd love to see what kind of trash you could come up with.
Catmandue53 to Anonymous - 2015-10-29 19:26:36

"Will u ever write a new one or shud I stop checking everyday for a new story??? And find another favourite writer???"

If you want to check for a new story or chapter every day, that's up to you. But it is not realistic to expect him to post a new chapter or story every day.
2016-08-11 02:45:49 Divine Succession - Chapter 15 - END Catmandue53 to Anonymous - 2015-08-24 19:20:13:

I didn't quote your comment because it's FULL of spelling and grammar mistakes. Why don't you write a story? Then we could make disparaging remarks about the chapters you post.

You are an utter asshole. You can't spell or use proper grammar. You clearly didn't understand the previous comments left by the author. As for being a grown-up, you act much like a 10-year-old child upset because this story didn't have enough wanking material for you. If you don't like it, stop reading it; no one is forcing you to read it. God, you really are a complete and utter asshat.
Catmandue53 to Anonymous - 2015-08-26 07:48:07

"I believe this was a good story that just went in the wrong direction."

I tend to agree with you there.