Comments from Catmandue53

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-29 04:43:04 An alien intervention (rewrote) .
Wow! Quite the story! I enjoyed it quite a lot and appreciated the fact that you used lots of interesting words in the right places. Seldom do I see that on this site.
In fact, when I read, "and the girls were scared spitless" I had to wonder if that was a typo or if you used the word "spitless" on purpose. I know that when I'm very scared it's hard to keep my mouth from drying out. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt though.
Again, great story! Thank you for writing it!
2016-08-29 02:38:14 Summer Fun 2 Heh... I enjoyed the story, but I have to agree that the whole hand in the anus thing is completely absurd.
2016-08-29 01:45:55 Sexier than Fantasy: Chapter 1 - Becoming a Man It was a good story, and I enjoyed it.

Fleshlights require a good solid amount of lube, just getting it wet with your mouth, etc. will *not* work, you'll just hurt yourself.

2016-07-13 21:50:17 DNA 2 Chapter 8 Good story! Reading about people who get gender changed unwillingly always turns me on.

The *short* chapters are too... uh... short though.

Keep up the good work!
2016-07-22 08:23:03 SOVEREIGNTY 12 You keep writing, and I'll keep reading. Deal?