Comments from Catmandue53
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-07-28 04:03:02 | The princess and the Captain | . Hmm... many of the comments posted for this story are again complaining about a lack of sex. Although this *is* a sex story site, there is no obligation that you have to include sex. Some of the greatest stories on this site have little or no sex in them at all (see the Empire stories by Pars001). Many of the comments complaining about grammar and spelling are in fact posted by people who don't know how to use either of them. Talk about hypocritical. Finally... this is a FREE site. You don't have to pay a single cent to read a story here, and the people who write them don't make any money either; unless they self-publish somewhere like Amazon. Many, many comments to Pars001 on that subject. People *want* him to publish the Empire series and for him to make some money with it. If you're not happy here, move along, nothing here for you to see. |
2017-01-04 02:59:44 | Struck By Lightning | Never, ever, have I seen such horrible spelling. There is just no excuse for such fucked up spelling. And also switching from first to third person view. |
2017-04-13 21:54:15 | Teaching the girls_(0) | Please repost this story with line breaks at the end of each paragraph. The wall of text made it impossible for me to even reading the story. Other than that; Good Work :) |
2017-03-20 23:46:33 | Boarding School Encounter 05: Henrietta Buggered by the Headmistress | Another great story! One thing though... you really overuse the word "Purr". I love this particular series, I don't know why the ratings aren't much higher. Keep up the great work! |
2017-07-14 07:20:54 | Times in my Life: Part Five | I am back! I never left actually, I just shifted back to reading from writing. Before I write the next chapter(s) I am going to go back over the first 5 stories for minor edits, spelling and grammar checking. Also, so I can remember what I wrote. Continuity is a thing that I have a great respect for, so revisiting the previous chapters will give me an opportunity to refresh my memory. I can't promise when the next chapter will be up but I will be working on it concurrently with the edits, etc. for the first 5 chapters. Thank you, everyone, for being so patient with me since I started writing this series. The overwhelmingly positive comments you have posted have really inspired me to get this story back on track. I'll post a comment when I've posted chapter 6 to the site. |