Comments from Mathematician

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-22 10:04:13 Potential Part 24 Love It! I thought after Evan banged Dee and Candy that the story would crescendo and die off to some extent. If anything, I am even more invested now. The way the secondary characters are now coming alive and becoming primary characters is brilliant. I don't know if the genius is intentional, but it's definitely there. To add on to what the others are saying MORE! ASAP! Please!
2018-07-07 07:55:09 Panopticon Nailed the realism for me. Actually very closely mirrored my own experience with my ex wife. I created a facade to lay her, and it turned out she was putting on a facade in hopes of finding a man like the one I created. We successfully fooled each other into years of great sex and a miserable marriage. Incidentally, my criticism of this story is that it had the opposite effect. Interesting story, but I stayed completely flaccid the whole time. I get that you avoid sex centricism, but imo there's a line between sex story and story with sex in it.
2018-07-07 23:57:35 Panopticon I hear ya. Sometimes I can certainly be more in the mood for a Game of Thrones type story over an American Taboo type. I'll try and keep that in mind next time I notice your pen name pop up.
2018-07-09 13:42:22 THE GIFT_(4) Just read the deion so far. I don't know what a "vigina" is but this sounds like it could be good.
2018-07-09 13:45:09 THE GIFT_(4) Lol.. when Lisa was 18.. you know what.. flash back to when Lisa was 18... .... beautiful