Comments from Mathematician

Date Story title Comment
2018-10-02 04:46:11 The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #8_(2) I was disappointed.. I think you kind of peaked with Nikki and didn't know the best way to up the anti for Bella. You blew away past expectations, so my expectations were very high.
2018-10-03 07:53:52 The Online Erotica Writer's Guide to Etiquette As a writer, one thing to look out for is how you portray your story in the title, subtitle, and categories. For example, there are stories clearly listed as "Gay" or "Romance". These aren't my cup of tea, so I don't read them. Which means if they are doing well in the charts, it's because readers that look for that sort of thing, enjoyed the story. High rank can also come from writing very safe material. Well written, is my blandest thumbs up comment. I didn't love it. I won't remember it. But, I didn't hate it. It wasn't bad. You can get high in the charts without appealing to anyone in particular. Just not writing a story that attracts negative attention. I've seen a lot of that, looking at top ranked stories. They're often well written, but kinda bland. Meanwhile, in the low 90's upper 80's, there's often really great stories that just attracted too much attention from the wrong readers.
2018-10-20 16:54:44 Mom's Cum Tribute That could be interesting
2019-02-15 20:24:11 Losing the Super Bowl 2019 Still far from my favorite. It wasn't bad, but I wish one of the girls would have had to have gone down on the other. The ending was just weird really imo. I made sure to positive vote though, because I hope you keep writing them! You're writing style is exciting. I get invested, but keep getting disappointed. Looking forward to next year! Lol, your stories are actually my favorite part of the Super Bowl
2019-02-19 23:19:49 The Bet_(0) Similar to my old story, but I love seeing different takes on this theme. One of the things I have noticed is that I don't care if it's new. I really like the same scenarios with a new flavor. There are porn scenes I can see repeated but with a different actress, and it works every time. I'd be happy to see the same thing with 100 different women. Trickier to do in writing, but really, every author has different flares that make it work the same.