Comments from mrsterygor

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-02 21:17:58 A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch. 08 Thank you for the praise and feedback. I do appreciate it. I will definitely consider all of your ideas if I ultimately decide to add a 9th chapter and extend this series.
2016-08-03 23:43:29 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter Thank you for the praise and feedback. I do appreciate it. Glad to hear that this story made you horny. I will definitely consider adding a 2nd chapter and making this into a series.
2016-08-04 12:35:14 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter If I decide to write a 2nd chapter, those questions will definitely be answered. Thank you for the feedback. I do appreciate it.
2016-08-04 20:02:53 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter Glad to hear that this story made you cum. Thanks for the feedback.
2016-08-04 20:59:19 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter JC205, Thank you for the praise and feedback. I appreciate it. It's great to hear that you enjoyed my stories and that you were able to satisfy yourself while reading them. Feel free to provide feedback on any of my current or future stories when they do get published.