Comments from mrsterygor

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-11 02:23:52 A Taste of Cheerleader Discipline Pyroclast, as the author, I have no issue with criticism of my work, but I listen only to constructive criticism. Your comment was not constructive, and it didn't explain or justify your viewpoint on my erotic story. Just over 86% of the people who read and voted on this story enjoyed it so you are in the minority on this one. Instead of explaining why you didn't like it, you used a baseless insult. Therefore, I am not taking your opinion into consideration. In the future, you should go into detail and explain why you don't like a particular story instead of resorting to cheap insults.
2016-08-19 02:29:37 A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch. 03 Thank you for the feedback. There are a couple of stories that I have posted on here where the narrator gives their partner(s) creampies, but I try to switch up where they cum just to add some variety. I will definitely consider your comments when I write and publish future stories.
2016-08-21 22:23:20 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter Yep, this is definitely intended to be a kinky story.
2016-08-21 22:24:25 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter I haven't made a decision just yet, but I will definitely consider adding a 2nd chapter and exploring where this stepfather-stepdaughter relationship goes.
2016-08-21 22:28:43 A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch. 05 This is a fictional story. It would be awesome if my life was anything similar to this, but for the time being, I'm still a writer that likes to tell stories and share fantasies.