Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2017-05-11 10:52:11 The Existence - Chapter 2 Most enthralling and intriguing story I have read for some time; must agree that you may have a future in screen-play writing. Just a minor point: the "staff" need to be trained/practised until all their actions become conditioned reflexes, perhaps you could explain/show this via training sessions. Guys don't become fluent unless practised.
2017-05-18 12:12:21 Picture Day Yeah, gotta agree about the 11 incher, a freak on a kid.
2017-05-23 05:31:42 Welt ~ 1 Hmmmmm, interesting writing, intense vocabulary and style, almost like punchy TV reporting, yet still non-hacknied and precise. Will be interesting to see if the style is retained.
2017-05-23 05:58:00 Welt ~ 2 Well, well. This has become psychotically themed - illusions, hallucinations, mind reading, etc etc. But the writing remains the same.
2017-05-23 06:19:52 Welt ~ 3 Oh, well, he's let the psychosis run riot, and created chaos.