Comments from pyroclast
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-10-11 05:46:33 | The Hunters become the hunted | Your writing is moving, not static; your plot/storyline is enticingly interesting, and encourages me to read more. I think I may have found another aspiring novelist here in you; please extend your skills, practise your craft and be a success. |
2017-01-07 05:47:46 | The Maintenance Man (1) ? | Pars, this story is rather juvenile; why? Not your usual style, have a bad night or two? |
2017-01-20 11:36:23 | Sara's Protective Dad part 2 | Another ignorant Yank! What's wrong with you guys? Obviously never been near a virgin sexually! Don't you know that the hymen is also called the "Vaginal Corona"? And it's called that because it is at the vaginal Introitus, the opening. Which means, everyone, that to get your stiff pricks inside your ladies, you have to get past their hymens, rather than go wondering where to find them, and they are not half way up the love tube, silly! |
2017-01-20 14:25:32 | Sara's Protective Dad Part 5_(0) | Another ignorant Yank! What's wrong with you guys? Obviously never been near a virgin sexually! Don't you know that the hymen is also called the "Vaginal Corona"? And it's called that because it is at the vaginal Introitus, the opening. Which means, everyone, that to get your stiff pricks inside your ladies, you have to get past their hymens, rather than go wondering where to find them, and they are not half way up the love tube, silly! |
2017-01-20 14:53:27 | Sara's Protective Dad Part 5_(0) | By the way, notice no mention of contraception for the twins, so has he put them "up-the-duff", ie pregnant? Our author seems to have a fixation for fourteen year-old girls, their fucking and pregnancies. |