Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2016-06-25 13:02:43 FIXIT GIRL Hmmmmm, OK, I gave it a positive vote, but I am intrigued by the "clinical" presentation, did you do that intentionally? or did it just develop? Whatever, it does make the story a bit hard to read. The vocabulary and presentation are foreign to most readers here, I feel, making it hard to follow the line of thought; and this leads me to ask, why have you gone this way with this story?
2016-07-02 14:56:10 Sleeping Daughter 1: Wicked Wife's Plan That was sick, so fucking putrid sick. That the US has 25% of its population psychotic, no wonder such vile crap rates so high on this site. Seems that the people behind NWO have really done their job well, destroying the culture of decency and replacing it with filth.
2016-07-07 05:02:23 Expierments Beautiful! Well done Mystic; you never let us down.
2016-07-07 07:30:22 A Taste of Cheerleader Discipline What a pathetic, juvenile load of crap.
2016-07-08 13:02:50 The Forest Nymph: Part 2 - The Will to Fight_(1) Well done, Sage! Reviving the old Greek legends is a great move, and rendering them into such as fine story exceptional.
There are more stories there for the taking, please do so.