Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2016-04-12 10:00:23 The Love Impaired (Part 2) I haven't read this as I feel it is necessary to read part 1 first; where is Part 1 of this story?
2016-04-12 10:33:43 Sell Me. Security must be a simple business to run - all that time to spend fucking for promotion, fucking to sell, fucking to select staff, fucking to keep awake. Or perhaps our little story is more fantasy than fact. Fun to read, tho'.
2016-04-12 11:10:01 The Home Tutor Silly story. Immature woman facing 3 eighteen year old retards, asking for trouble.
I didn't read the silly story in its entirety - I found it just too contrived and crazy.
2016-04-12 11:52:06 Little sis ruby at gloryhole Hey, that was the most useless load of crap I have read on this pathetic site ever. Jeez, don't give up your job. Maybe go back to night-school and learn to write. Then, a a few years, try again if so inclined, but then you may have gained a bit of maturity and seen the light.
2016-04-12 11:56:54 Dad and I part 1_(0) Very hard to read; and just 2 l-o-n-g paragraphs, and no spacing!!